04 Jun Update On The EA’s IWMF Permit Decision
The Environment Agency announced earlier today that “following detailed technical scrutiny of the proposals over the last 20 months together with careful consideration of all received consultation processes” it has issued the Variation of the Environmental Permit for the proposed operation of the Integrated Waste Management Facility (IWMF) at Rivenhall Airfield.
The consolidated Permit incorporates a number of variations that will allow operations entirely consistent with the implemented IWMF planning permission and, in particular, with a stack height of 35 metres above surrounding ground level equivalent to an elevation of 85 metres Above Ordnance Datum (mAOD). The Variation applies lower limits to the permitted emissions to ensure an equivalent level of environmental protection previously provided by the existing Permit.
Full details of the current environmental permit application and the draft permit can be found on the following website www.wrren.co.uk.