Our Story

Who are we?

Indaver Rivenhall Limited (‘Indaver’) is a company in the field of sustainable waste management. We service both industry and public authorities by delivering ecologically and environmentally responsible waste management solutions that help us move towards a more circular, sustainable economy. We have extensive experience and are active in over 30 locations across Europe including Ireland, the Netherlands, Germany, Spain and Portugal.


Within the UK, we are operating an EfW plant in Aberdeen and are in the process of constructing the IWMF at Rivenhall. Sustainability is our guiding principle. Everything we do aims to ensure that we make the absolute best use of the waste we as a society produce. We convert residual waste into energy to help reduce the reliance on fossil fuels and tackle climate change.


Our project is called the Rivenhall Integrated Waste Management Facility (IWMF). It aims to convert 853,000 tonnes of waste through sustainable waste management. Growing international consumption is putting more and more pressure on the raw materials available, meaning that recovering materials and Energy-from-Waste is becoming essential. Indaver has become synonymous with sustainable waste management and our specialist team at the Rivenhall IWMF will be working diligently on treating waste in the best possible way, in an energy-efficient manner to contribute to resolving part of the raw materials shortage.

Our Mission

Core Values

At Indaver, our values define what we stand for and are clearly reflected in everything that we achieve. The welfare of people in the community and the environment are our top priorities. Indaver uses state of the art technology to minimise the impact on the environment, as well as the people in it! We strive to recover as much original material and sustainable energy as possible. Through efficient project monitoring, we guarantee full transparency and traceability, so that local communities are in the loop every step of the way.

Sustainable Development Goals

The UN has set 17 Sustainable Development Goals for the period 2015 to 2030. The waste sector has a vital role to play in making these ambitious goals a reality. Indaver has chosen 9 of these goals to guide our contribution to a more sustainable world through our key role in the circular economy.


The Importance of Sustainable Waste Management

At Indaver, sustainability informs everything we do. With the pressure on to act now for the sake of our environment as we know it, we must all play our part in the race for a greener planet. 


The global population is growing at lightning speed and unsustainable pressure is being put on raw materials and energy. We simply must use materials and energy more intelligently.


Indaver is helping to work towards the transition from a linear economy, in which raw materials are only used once, to a circular economy in which the emphasis lies on sustainability through added value.


In a circular economy, materials that are recovered from waste streams are reintroduced as high-quality raw materials for their original purpose, or to make new products. So, there is no need to use any new raw materials.


At the new Rivenhall IWMF and Energy Centre, we aim to break waste down to its original components and recover them to bring back into the materials chain, or create energy from waste.

Waste management therefore plays a crucial role in closing loops that could add to the global crises.

The Problem with Landfill

Landfill sites across country are overflowing and it’s not just the increasing piles of waste that are the problem. Toxins and greenhouse gases are being released into the air as the waste rots. With the South East already at maximum landfill capacity, our facility at Rivenhall aims to create a solution through EfW.

The Essex population is at 1.8 million and is expected to grow by 100,000 by 2026

The average family in Essex produces 560kg of residual waste every year.The Essex population is at 1.8 million and is expected to grow by 100,000 by 2026

Many landfills locations have already hit capacity and so other options must be explored for the disposal of residual waste.