22 Aug Indaver seeking approval to bring 5 piling rigs to the Rivenhall IWMF and Energy Centre site
Indaver has recently submitted a Non-Material Amendment to the Essex County Council Planning Authority to allow the delivery and removal of five piling rigs in connection with the construction of the Rivenhall IWMF and Energy Centre.
After conducting a structural engineering assessment of the bailey bridges we note that the bailey bridges are fit for purpose for the next 20+ years to cope with planned future uses but not for abnormal loads. Indaver is looking into strengthening the bridges and will inform the relevant authorities in due course.
A piling rig is a piece of equipment used on a construction site to support the foundations of a structure.
Five piling rigs need to be moved in total to the site, comprising five incoming loads in 2022 and five departing loads in 2023.
- 4 inbound movements September and October 2022, and 1 in October 2023
- 4 outbound movements September 2022, March and April 2023 and 1 in November 2023.
An assessment by Essex County Council and the Highways Authority concluded that the piling rig can be safely and practically accommodated along the proposed route subject to applying standard Abnormal Indivisible Load traffic management techniques.
The Highways Authority has no objection to Indaver’s proposal and notes and understands the circumstances and the very low number of vehicles in question.
To facilitate these movements it may be necessary to remove some street furniture (for example traffic signs) and trim back hedges and trees along the route. The street furniture will be reinstated and the trimming of the hedges will be conducted in the usual way as a normal maintenance activity.
The 10 movements will cause no disruption to the businesses in the vicinity of the site since the movements along Woodhouse Lane will take minutes and a traffic management plan will be implemented.
For more detailed information please see ESS/34/15/BTE/NMA3 (essex.gov.uk).
We want to reassure you that we will undertake any and every precaution to make sure the local community’s day goes uninterrupted during the 10 movements of the piling rigs.
Please contact us for any additional information at Feedback – Rivenhall (rivenhall-iwmf.co.uk).