14 Nov IWMF Site Liaison Group Meeting
On Monday 12th October a meeting of the IWMF Site Liaison Group was held at the Rivenhall Hotel; near to the site of the proposed IWMF. The group was established as part of the planning legal agreement. This was to provide a forum for local residents and interested parties to discuss any matters arising from site operations. Although operations are yet to commence on site, the liaison group has met on occasion to provide an update on the planning and permitting waste management process.
Representatives of Essex County Council; Braintree District Council and the Parish Councils, along with the local Community Group met with the Environment Agency; the Essex County Council Planning officer and representatives of both Gent Fairhead and Indaver waste management company.
John Ahern; Jackie Keaney and Gareth Jones of Indaver introduced the company with a short presentation and explained how Indaver is now working with Gent Fairhead to deliver the IWMF. Moreover, the Environment Agency representative explained that the amended permit application is currently in the assessment stage. It is expected to be ‘duly made’ in the next week or so; at which point the public consultation will start. The ECC planning officer explained that the additional planning information supplied has now been sent out for consultation and there will be a 21 day public consultation period. The planning application is not expected to come before the planning committee until at least January.