Dear Councillors, RE: ESS/36/17/BTE & ESS/37/17/BTE – Rivenhall IWMF Listed for Planning Committee on Friday 26 April 2019 I write on behalf of Gent Fairhead & Company Ltd, the Applicant in the current planning application. The Applicant, in light of the Principal Planning Officer’s Recommendation to Refuse as dated...

We have noted the recommendation from the Planning Officer to members of Essex County Council Planning Committee. We believe this recommendation and the decision to take the application to committee in April to be premature for a number of reasons: We have undertaken public engagement and...

Gent Fairhead and Indaver have submitted further information to Essex County Council in support of their revised planning application for the IWMF. Industry experts forecast that there will be a residual waste capacity shortfall particularly in the South East. The Government’s new Resource & Waste Strategy...

January 2019    What are we contacting you about?   In our last public briefing note (October 2018) we informed you that we had received an application from Gent Fairhead & Co. Ltd (‘the company’) requesting a variation to the company's environmental permit for the Rivenhall Integrated Waste Management...

On Monday 12th October a meeting of the IWMF Site Liaison Group was held at the Rivenhall Hotel; near to the site of the proposed IWMF. The group was established as part of the planning legal agreement. This was to provide a forum for local residents...

Today Gent Fairhead, owners of the Rivenhall Airfield site, have made an application to the Environment Agency seeking a variation to its existing Environmental Permit.  Gent Fairhead’s application proposes to implement an advanced form of the emission abatement technologies; along with tighter operational controls that...