Our News

The waste we produce daily significantly impacts upon our environment, both locally and globally. Our “take, make, use” approach to consumption has ultimately been leaving its mark on the world around us. Unfortunately, due to the ever-growing consumerism in society, it’s going to take a while...

The Newfield Lagoon is due to be restored as part of the plans onsite. Once fully re-established, the body of water will be 128,000 m², which is the same size as 18 football pitches! This provides the perfect location for wildlife to thrive and a...

The history of Woodhouse Farm: Woodhouse Farm stands in an isolated position to the south of Kelvedon and the Blackwater valley. In the Middle Ages, this area of Boulder Clay plateau was extensively wooded, hence the name of the farm. The site may well have started...

Sustainability is important to Indaver. Over the next year, we are using local company, Tom Blackwell Contractors Ltd, to excavate and move the soil on site to prepare for the building of the access road and the plant. Not only will the soil be used to...

Indaver is committed to preserving and protecting the habitats and wildlife on the IWMF site. The area around Woodhouse Farm is known to be inhabited by Great-Crested newts which require protecting. The management licence for these amphibians has been in place since 2011 and surveys are carried...