Our News

Last Thursday (6th July) we had the first public event related to our DCO in Kelvedon, Essex. Thank you to all those that came down to provide their feedback and speak with our team. We are looking forward to our next public event on the...

Here at Indaver, sustainability is at the heart of everything we aim to do. We recognise that the trips away, family BBQs and days at the beach can be the highlight of people’s summers, however, it is crucial to keep the planet in mind! It...

Opening presents on Christmas morning is lovely, and watching joyful festive movies is pleasant, but we all know the best thing about this magical day is the food! However, according to some studies, wasted food is responsible for approximately 7% of our global greenhouse gas...

Christmas is the best period to spend quality time with family and friends; everybody loves the festive season! However, it’s also a time of overindulgence and consumption, meaning we create more waste than usual. Fortunately, it doesn’t have to be this way! Being a bit...

When it comes to waste, most of us understand the basics of recycling. However, do we think about where our waste ends up and the impact of our waste on the environment? Recycling is one of the easiest ways to feel as though you are being...

In the current climate, it’s more important than ever to understand the importance of recycling and minimising waste to reduce your carbon footprint. With the help of the education sector, the impact towards positive change to reduce the amount of waste in Essex could be...

Here at Indaver, sustainability is at the heart of everything that we do. We are all aware that reducing waste is an important part of conserving our natural resources and protecting our future environment. Fortunately, some of us are conscious of our impact and have...

Did you know that the average family in Essex produces over 560 kg of residual waste per year?! Residual waste means that the quality of the material is so poor or contaminated that it is unable to be recycled, resulting in disposal at a landfill...