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Here at Indaver, sustainability is at the heart of everything that we do. We are all aware that reducing waste is an important part of conserving our natural resources and protecting our future environment. Fortunately, some of us are conscious of our impact and have...

We have noted the recommendation from the Planning Officer to members of Essex County Council Planning Committee. We believe this recommendation and the decision to take the application to committee in April to be premature for a number of reasons: We have undertaken public engagement and...

Our battle with recycling is ongoing and finding solutions to increasing waste levels that can be converted into recycling rather than being disposed of in landfill, is the main target. With China’s plastic ban and the limited recycling and treatment capacity for plastics, the European...

Gent Fairhead and Indaver have submitted further information to Essex County Council in support of their revised planning application for the IWMF. Industry experts forecast that there will be a residual waste capacity shortfall particularly in the South East. The Government’s new Resource & Waste Strategy...

Preventing global warming, looking after the environment and general waste solutions are a huge topic on everyone’s minds at the moment with recent announcements and the likes of Sir David Attenborough’s Blue Planet shocking people into action.   There are so many small changes businesses can make...